

Dan Dean Brass Ensembles (AKAI)

8 CD set

Instruments include:

4 French Horns
3 Trombones
3 Trumpets

4 French Horns, 3 Trombones and 3 Trumpets sampled in multiple dynamic layers per note.

Programmed with the same highest quality stereo samples that are found in the Giga version.

New Multi-Perspective format gives you both Close (Dry) and Ambient (Wet) perspectives.

Articulations include: NV, Portato, Staccato, Straight Mute, fp, fp long/medium and short crescendo, stopped horns, stopped horns staccato (on French Horns).

Special AKAI S-1000 optimization provides access to more samples and more layers. This allows you far greater control of timbre/expression.

Source captured in 24 bit Stereo, UV-22 bit-reduced to 16 bit. Instruments exhibit extreme dynamic/timbral range!

Highest Quality Sample Recordings.

Packaged in custom designed DDBE zipper wallet.

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